UV Air Sterilizing LED for Mini Split Installation Video
UV Air Sterilizing LED for Minisplit, which can be installed by consumers for 5 minutes, is the best gift for the indoor environment. 1. Stick the LED strip, 2. Connect the LED strip and driver with the power supply, 3. Remove the filter and clean, 4. Cut the TiO2 film, Stick to the filter and Install back to the aircon, 5. Switch on and enjoy the fresh air. , uvairsterilizingledforminisplit , uvairdisinfectionsystem , uvledforminisplit , uvairpurifyingled , ultraairuvledforminisplit , ultraairsterilizingsystem , UVCandPhotocatalyst , uvauvc , airpurifier , aircleaner , minisplitaccessories , MiniSplitAirConditionermate , Airconditioninginstallation , HVACinstallation , minisplitreplacementparts , minisplitcomponents , UVLightLEDSystemMercuryfreeforMiniSplits , xmcvape , alexli