Should you give Visions a try
The Trailer of the Star Wars: Visions anime Series gives us a first impression about the setting and artystyle of the Show. Even though it seems to adress mainly the anime fans within the Star Wars Fanbase, Visions is possibly the most interesting Star Wars content we will get this year. You want to know why This video explains easy why you should watch visions, if its good and give a guide to the japanese setting AND the bunny girl. The episodes will be: The Duel (by KAMIKAZE DOUGA), Lop and Ocho Tatooine Rhapsody(by TWIN ENGINE), The Twins The Elder (by TRIGGER), the Village Bride (by KINEMA CITRUS), Akakiri T0B1 (by SCIENCE SARU) and The Ninth Jedi (by PRODUCTION IG). This video also explains if and how this show is Canon and connects the setting with japanese Anime. Used clips: Star Wars Visions Trailer 1 2 Star Wars Visions Explanation Anime Videoguide 2020