Deep plantar wart verruca with callus, The Foot Scraper: DG Podiatrist
Deep plantar wart verruca with callus, The Foot Scraper: DG Podiatrist Subscribe: , Make sure to enable ALL push notifications Watch the NEWEST videos: Thankfully we are still able to work through London s second lock down, this wonderful client came in for her second appointment. She first came in thinking she had a corn on the side of her foot that was painful and had a history of trauma to her ankle which she was having a lot of trouble with as of late. On examination we discovered it was a verruca (plantar wart) that needed treatment. On her second visit the callus on the foot accumulated as expected over the verruca (plantar wart). In the treatment, I remove (debride) the callus first and then freeze (cryotherapy) the verruca and apply salicylic acid in the area and dress it up. It s great to hear her ankle is feeling much better as a