The Barebones of Winter
It s always sad to take Christmas decorations down. May the Lord in His graciousness, see us through to another one. Until then, I m making it my ambition to find beauty in those quiet places that we often forget to look. Will you join me It might be cold and barren outside, but inside can be made warm and cheerful with just a little work. need some hearty recipes for the colder months check out my ebook, Harvest and Home shop my kitchen, bookshelf, and other sundries here: visit my seasonal journal here: listen to my podcast here: outfit details: shirt: linen ruffle skirt: pinafore apron: linen mustard skirt: yellow calico dress: I N S T A G R A M P I N T E R E S T S P O T I F Y W E B S I T E C O N T A C T WHERE I GET MY MUSIC: SONGS USED: Coal by Arden Forest Onthou by Ever So Blue FAQ I am 23 years old I am fully selfemployed I use this camera to film: I use Final Cut Pro to edit Where I get my music: this description contains affiliate links :)