Chick Chick Chick Chicken (1931)
Every man, woman and child is interested in chickens if only from a food point of C, U of a tiny chick standing on a little podium. He is stroked. Chickens come from eggs, but noone understands exactly the miracle performed before our eyes, though we are learning to The podium is turned slightly to display the chick. In the early stages, yolk and white are fastened together by thick cords of C, U of a petri dish. Albumen is lifted from the dish with tweezers. These cords keep the embryo always C, U of the egg white. At the start, the embryo is merely a tiny white C, U of egg white. The second day develops the beginning of the chick s circulation C, U of egg showing signs of something developing. Our microscope reveals these tiny blood vessels hard at work bearing nourishment from the yoke to the chick. (Magnified 2, 000 times). C, U of blood vessels moving through veins. By the end of the fifth day eyes and limbs are d