Zen Starwalker Lost ( Sub Urban Cradles Remake) Music Video
Had to be done. I love everything, fire spreading all around my room My worlds so bright, it s hard to breathe But that s alright Aside from the fact, my will is eternal. My mind is intact, ready to fill up the journal. I was sedated, I made it, and now Zen Starwalker s here, To storm with great thunder, and release you from fear We ve struggled way too long, to not get paid for our songs. This bubbles fake, they negate, so all of their hate it groves But in our space it s gone, can we escape The moons drawn And will we make it though people sleep on us Today, they choose wrong I m chilling in lakes with the fawns, cause we need to provide for our loved one s, Fuck guns, we destruct them diamonds shine in our trust funds. No Mayans alive, so construct some decide to describe how the lust drums. Abduct Sun s entrust nuns, to be as the watc