Wytch Hazel Strong Heart ( OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Order, Listen Here: Taken from the album IV: Sacrament released June 2nd 2023 Filmed by Wild Stag Studio, edited by Ben Liepelt For many alltimegreat rock bands in the ascendant, the fourth album is often the point where youthful years of febrile creativity and progressive momentum culminate in a masterwork for the ages, setting the seal on an early signature sound while opening it up to future possibilities. From enchanting 2016 debut Prelude, through 2018s assured II: Sojourn, to 2020s wizardly III: Pentecost, each Wytch Hazel album has embodied that oldfashioned notion of unstoppable progress, and the glittering treasure chest that is IV: Sacrament proves eminently worthy of rising to the toughest challenge. Not just the Lancashire quartets most classically beautiful production, but their strongest yet fronttoback collection of affecting hooks and ageless melodies.