Mike Olbinski pres. Pursuit 4 K
Timelapse film by Mike Olbinski. The work on this film began on March 28th and ended June 29th. There were 27 total days of actual chasing and many more for traveling. I drove across 10 states and put over 28, 000 new miles on the ol 4Runner. I snapped over 90, 000 timelapse frames. I saw the most incredible mammatus displays, the best nighttime lightning and structure I ve ever seen, a tornado birth caught on timelapse and a display of undulatus asperatus that blew my mind. Wall clouds, massive cores, supercell structures, shelf ended up being an amazing season and I m so incredibly proud of the footage in this film. It wasn t the best year in storm chasing I got to chase storms and share it with you guys. All worth Technical Details: Used two Canon 5DSR s along with a Canon 1124mm, 35mm, 50mm, 135mm and Sigma Art 50mm. Manfrotto tripods. The final product was edited in Lightroom with LR Timelapse, After Effects and Premiere Pro. Music by Peter Nanasi.