12 Pianists at 1 Piano: Albert Lavignac, Sischka Galop Marche à 12
12 Pianists live at Alexandria Opera House (Egypt), 3 January 2011, Encore Albert Lavignac (18461916), Christoph Sischka GalopMarche à 12 for 12 Pianists at 1 Piano (UA, first performance: Internationales KlavierduoFestival Bad Herrenalb) 12 Pianists: Sebastian Bausch, Heike Bleckmann, Dina ElLeisy, Noriko IshikawaKratzer, Anna Kostenitch, Reimi Matsuda, Christine Schandelmeyer, Tatjana and Leonid Schick, Christoph Sischka, Eriko Takezawa, Thomas Turek This performance has hold the world