Dean Henderson Wetiko The Great Remembering Who Are We Anyhow
A personal insight into an amazing researcher, author, and human being. Dean Henderson discusses his latest book, Blood Lines, Wetico, and The Great Remembering. You will be moved by Dean s relationship with Slow Loris, his cat, and with nature. This will be just the first of several interviews delving into what I think is his most important and significant book. We discussed what it is to be really human; our original state; the original peoples relationship; reciprocity; and Love is the answer. You can find him here: His Seven books are available on Amazon. Bloodlines, Wetico and the Great Remembrance is a top seller. Illuminati Agenda 21: The Luciferin Plan to Destroy Creation Big Oil Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf Stickin It to the Matrix The Federal Reserve Cartel Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse The Grateful Unrich