Zan Zarah: The Hidden Portal Final Battle 1080p HD No Commentary
This is the final battle of Amy, where she has to defeat The Guard and open the portals between humans and fairies forever. If you enjoyed this video, your support through likes and subscriptions would mean the world to me ZanZarah: The Hidden Portal is an enchanting actionadventure game that whisks players away to a magical world brimming with mystical creatures and captivating landscapes. Set in the realm of ZanZarah, players embark on a captivating journey as a young girl named Amy who discovers a hidden portal to this fantastical realm. Tasked with becoming a skilled fairy master, players must navigate through lush forests, ancient ruins, and mysterious places while engaging in spellbinding battles and unraveling the secrets of ZanZarah. Release Date April 26, 2002 Genre ActionAdventure, Role Playing, FirstPerson Shooter Platforms Windows Publisher THQ Developer Funatics Development Steam Store: My YouTube Channel: dredanoxrealm My Steam Channel: