Quantum Entanglement Directly Seen on a Large Scale For The First Time
Quantum entanglement is one of the weirdest phenomena in quantum mechanics. It is so strange that even Albert Einstein did not believe in it. He called it spooky action at a distance. As we go from the quantum realm to the classical realm, the strangeness of the quantum world fades away. Classical laws replace quantum laws, and phenomena such as quantum entanglement or quantum tunneling cannot be observed. However, two teams of physicists have now observed quantum entanglement on a macroscopic scale. They crafted two aluminium drums of a red blood cell size, each containing over a trillion atoms. The drums were vibrated using microwaves. The experiment was so meticulously set up that there was no way for the drums to contact each other mechanically. The extent of the drums entanglement can be measured by looking at their amplitudes, their maximum distances from their resting positions, as they wobble up and down by roughly the height of a single proton. This was the first experiment. In the sec