Moulin Rouge, , Satine and Christian, , i will not bow
Please sub, friend my back up account :) the greatest thing you ll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in Last night I watched Moulin Rouge cause I thought, I love this movie and it s been a while. Then I laid down listening to my ipod before bed and BAM Idea struck. Thing is, I used to be OBSESSED with this movie I think I saw it in the theater 5 sure I got the VHS (yes, the VHS) the day it came out. Had the soundtrack. Etc. Etc. Etc. I can t tell you how much I used to love this discovered that I still love it last night Baz Luhrmann s just a fucking genius. And that s all there is. The film world needs more of his vision. It s so unique. Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet are two of the most artistically shot movies that I can think go figure that they come from the same guy Just learned he s going to b br, br,