LISA: Brad Has a Pain All Party Member Locations
You get what you read from the title This would ve come out two days ago if this video didn t fail to render so many times (due to this issue, this video has been nerfed) Link to game: 0:00 Rock 0:21 Morrace 1:08 Dead 1:29 Rage 2:10 Sackboy 3:03 Useful Fat Creature 3:50 Goldie 4:32 Percy 5:07 Secret Items to Unlock Other Members 7:02 Mox 8:05 Blake 9:06 Man 9:58 Carp 10:23 Bottle 10:33 Maul 10:54 Guido 11:39 Magic Bullet 12:13 Clint 12:27 Gavin 12:54 Alfonso 13:56 Junior 14:42 Bob Friday 15:14 Snoob 16:15 Guy 17:26 Jollie 18:08 Lad 18:49 Deer 19:01 Band