SINGAPORE: NON ZERO RISK OF WAR in South East Asia (or a Global War) in the near future
00:00 Risk of War is now NonZero 05:24 Singapore will not depend on another country for defense 09:08 Singapore spents more percentage of GDP than Europe 11:23 Singapore buy more F35s 12:17 Geopolitical situation in South East Asia 19:15 Risk of War in Taiwan 22:22 Risk of War with Philippines and China 23:35 SingaporeIndonesiaMalaysia alliance 25:01 Most likely war scenario Discover DPA presence across the internet with DPA s Linktree: DPA Community: DPA Forum: t. me, DPAforum Discord: DPA Social Media: Telegram: t. me, defensepoliticsasia Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: VK: TikTok: Instagram: Quora: DPA Youtube Channels: DPA Main Channel: DPA War: DPA Open Mic: DPA Analytics: DPA Talk. : DPA Gaming: DPA Rumble Channels: DPA Main Channel: DPA Open Mic: DPA Analytics: DPA Gaming: DPA Twitch: , Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, China