3 Minutes ago: Joe Biden ROBOT was taken away by the Millitary
3 Minutes ago: Joe Biden ROBOT was taken away by the Millitary In a surprising and unusual turn of events just three minutes ago, reports have emerged that a Joe Biden robot was apprehended and removed by the military. This mysterious incident raises numerous questions about the nature and purpose of the purported robot, as well as the military s involvement. Further details and clarification are eagerly awaited to shed light on this intriguing and unexpected development. Make sure to comment, like, and hit that notification bell. CLICK BELOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL Rumors are pieces of information that have not been verified. What this means, is that the person telling the story does not know for certain if it is true or not. Most of the time, people who spread rumors do not bother to determine if there is any truth to what they are saying. Typically, rumors are spread from person to person and change slightly each time they are told. As a result, they can become e