black drone reverb (ash05 through the red ascending)
four cardinal pointsbjm 00:00 de vanitatsfluid 04:57 porterbreaking bad s5ep6 11:06 agnatosbjm 13:41 of silence pt2 19:44 dawnthe world withinbjm 25:04 29:34 of the restless soul 35:20 room 43:12 for bodysnatchersautomne 46:20 for bodysnatchersmoindre 52:24 1:00:01 marginisthe sleep of reason produces monsters 1:15:24 darkowhite eyes 1:26:05 1:29:47 the darktransmute of mind 1:37:55 imagefanpop all alterationsbad jonnie mixbad jonnie i do not own any copyrights i have offended i can only apologize and offer to remove the you for your time.