Uncle Ben Ellers Spooky Scale Secrets Harmonic Minor Mastery
Downloadable TABS, bonus lessons, backing tracks, and MORE available on my Patreon page instagram: BenEllerGuitars, weekendwankshop, weekendwankshop252 Hey kids Its Uncle Ben Eller, here with a super SPOOKTACULAR music theory guitar lesson to get you in the Halloween spirit The harmonic minor scale is more than just the favorite scale of Yngwie its a creepy chord and arpeggiogenerating machine. A lot of us just learn a scale as a pattern we use for shredding, but in this lesson, i m going to show you how to BUILD stuff from that scale to make spinetingling arpeggios, chords, and chord progressions This will help you make the sounds you ve heard all over Danny Elfman soundtracks, tech death bands like the Faceless, and more Its a graveyard smash Playing my Suhr Modern Satin into my Fractal Axe FX III. Let me know