10 Iconic AC, DC Riffs
Here are ten iconic classic AC, DC guitar riffs for you guys to celebrate Angus Young s birthday Also Who is looking forward to their new album Shot In The Dark was pretty cool We are looking at some true classics such as Thunderstruck, Highway To Hell, Back In Black and others Hope I did Angus and Malcolm Young justice The mix has totally different guitar tones I barely use and I even got an SG to pay a little tribute Tell me what other riff lists you want to see in the comments below MIND: This is not a Top Ten, just a compilation of 10 riffs. , 1 Thunderstruck 0:00 , 2 You Shook Me All Night Long 0:53 , 3 Hells Bells 1:09, 4 Whole Lotta Rosie 1:28, 5 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 1:41 , 6 2:09 , 7 Back In Black 2:24, 8 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 2:44, 9 It s A Long Way To The Top 3:13, 10 Highway To Hell 3:29 Stay tuned and rock on