Fiona Apple s Newspaper But It s Stuff From My Kitchen
When your quarantine brain tells you its time to bang on pots and pans, its time to bang on pots and pans. So many things went wrong with the recording of this video, but if Ive learned one thing from this quarantine, its to embrace inspiration when it strikes and dont question it too much Behold: the incredible song Newspaper off of Fiona Apples recent album Fetch The Bolt Cutters. I highly recommend this album for anyone who has been hurt by men, by societys expectations of women, by neurotypical expectations, by people telling them they werent good enough. Its a survivors album. I have listened to it many, many times in the past month and I was hit by the inspiration to grab some neat sounds from my kitchen and record my own version of this song Im Very Much not a drummer, and yes I sang the whole thing in the wrong key, and all of these were single takes that I couldn t chop and edit like I usually do, and I lost some clips along the way, but I had a great time and I hope you enjoy it