IWC Proving Ground 2022
1. The Good Budz (Johnny Patch Preston Everest) vs. The Rad Boyz (Braden Elliott Jake Wily) 2. Alexander Apollo (c) vs. Chase Gold (IWC High Stakes Title Match) 3. Andrew Palace vs. Jason Tyler vs. RC Dupree vs. Anthony Young vs. Eddie Knoxxx (IWC World Heavyweight Title, 1 Contendership Scramble Match) 4. The Fraternity (Channing Decker Trent Gibson) vs. TME (Duke Davis Ganon Jones Jr. ) 5. Megan Meyers vs. Catie Brite 6. Rhino vs. Spencer Slade 7. Money Shot (Elijah Dean Zach Nystrom) vs. Brotherly Love (Kliff Klepto Ricky Dawkins) 8. Jack Pollock vs. Tito Oric (Steel Cage Match) 9. Bulk Nasty (c) vs. John McChesney (IWC World Heavyweight Title Steel Cage Match)