BEST Anti Aging Face Massage 6, 15
Technique to reduce flews and pursestring wrinkles. This technique is aimed at working out and relaxing the circular muscles of the mouth. Use your index fingers to form a hook. Attach the hook to the center of the nose, then tilt your head down slightly so that your finger penetrates deep into the muscle, then slowly begin a deep, pressing movement to the edges of the lip to form a smile, as shown in the video. Take it slowly, take your time. You will feel all the bumps and soreness under your fingers. You need to iron this area until it starts to feel soft and even, but repeat each movement at the most 5 10 times (follow what feels good). You want to end up with the feeling that your fingers can glide along without bumps and pain. Perform the same technique with the upper lip, just stop at the edges of the lip, as shown in the video. It may take a few times before you get to the desired end result. Make sure you let the tissue recover, before treating it again. Gradually the muscle will relax and