ALL THE QUADS ( Aces Through Twos)
A compilation of quads from different poker streams at the Lodge. The hands feature DougPolkPoker, MarianoPoker, Xuan Liu, and more. See The Lodge s cash game offerings and tournament schedule on Want to advertise your company to millions of poker fans Inquire here: The Lodge Card Club is a membersonly social club in Round Rock, Texas (just north of Austin). With 24, 7 cash games and 2+ tournaments per day, The Lodge is THE place to play poker in central Texas. The Lodge Live is streamed every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 3PM CT. You never know what you might see on The Lodge Live stream. You might see Pocket Aces vs Pocket Kings. You may see the nut straight lose to a full house after the board pairs on the river. There s a good chance you will see loads of straddles (and double straddles, and triple straddles). Players go allin blind or play poker hands after looking at just one card. That