The Complete Toolbox of Watercolor Brushstrokes
Join master artist, Johannes Vloothuis, and the supportive community of his mentored artists as he unveils the full spectrum of essential brushstrokes crucial for crafting successful watercolor paintings. This complete tool box is meticulously curated, providing you with every tool you will ever need to confidently create excellent watercolor paintings. You will become skilled at: WetonWet Control Spot Wetting Softening Edges on a Dry Surface Successful Variegating Dry Brush and Shoving Flat Wash Techniques Splattering, Plastic Wrap Effects, and Salt Scraping Lifting and Scrubbing Applying Bulky Texture Chisel Edge and Tip Brushstroke Sea Sponge Stippling Correct Rigger Use Business Card Painting Belly Brush Painting Twist and Turn Tapping on Flat Side Dremel Power Tool Sandpaper Ink Eraser We ll see you there on Thursday, Jan 4 at 3 pm Eastern. To attend, visit this YouTube link and bookmar