The Ancient Evil King Who Became Master of Hell
Hey everyone, and welcome to Mythology Explained. In today s video, we ll be discussing an intriguing Old Testament passage that has been subject to various interpretations over time. Originally, it was understood in a more literal sense as referring to a Babylonian king. However, during the time of the early church fathers, this passage took on a metaphorical meaning, connecting it to Satan s fall from heaven after he rebelled against God. Let s get into it. Isaiah 14:1215 is a fascinating passage from the Old Testament, interpreted differently throughout history. While the original meaning of the passage refers to the king of Babylon, it was eventually connected to the fall of Lucifer, or Satan, in Christian theology, this becoming the prevailing interpretation. Here s the passage: How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations You said in your heart, I