Alex Rudinger JARED DINES Dreams That Will Never Be
Been STOKED for this album to come out it s finally here ,JaredDines new album, The Grey, is officially out today (AND, it s my birthday Fancy that ). Links below to all the places you can stream, download it ( ): Spotify: AppleMusic: Bandcamp: Jared Dines YouTube Channel: A bit of information on this album I didn t drum on the WHOLE thing, only 5 songs the 5 that were written (or cowritten, I think ) by Aaron Smith. Aaron is a great audio engineer guitarist you may recognize his name from other video descriptions, as he s mixed some stuff for me here there over the years. He also used to have a band called 7Horns7Eyes (still technically a band, I guess. But they haven t put out any new music in a hot minute). At ANY rate, someday, whenever he finally gets around to doing another 7Horns album, we v