Baby Week (1914 1918)
Baby Week. Queen Mary attends Baby Week; also; cute shots of children s tea party. London. Opens with Queen meeting people. Queen; then other people going inside building. Quick shot of horses in harness; with sign on wall about baby week. Coach waiting outside; Queen; carrying huge bouquet; gets in carriage; another lady with her; man wraps blanket over their legs; goes toward front; and the coach drives off; woman comes out of doorway. Next; another view of the Queen departing: CU side view of Queen Mary; escorted by other lady; walking out to coach; getting in; driving off. Three workingclass mothers stand holding babies; smiling; etc. C, U small girl and boy at teatime; dressed up nicely and with big bibs with the alphabet on them; drinking from cups; eating biscuits; etc. cute. CU infant looking at camera. CU another baby. CU 2 small girls; about 2 years old; dressed in white lacy things. Quick shot of Queen s carriage. Nurse in long white head scarf; holding baby up. CU little girl sta