Halana and Alena GRUUL ZOO in Modern MTG Crimson Vow Gameplay
Decklist (TCGplayer) Today we are continuing more Innistrad Crimson Vow brewing in Modern and trying out Halana and Alena Partners in a Naya Zoo deck. Giving all our creatures counters and haste every turn in theory should be insane, even for a 4 drop. It s like a cheaper version of Xenagos God of Revels. Let s see if it can overtake Bloodbraid Elf at the 4 drop slot in an aggro deck. ManaTraders (Code MERYNMOON5I9 to save 15) Patreon Twitch Tiktok MTG Twitter Personal Twitter Discord Previous Decks We Played For Business Inquiries , CrimsonVow, InnistradCrimsonVow, MTG, MagicTheGathering, Modern