House Of Tomorrow Beware, There Are Other Items With The Same Tile (1957)
Blackheath, London. GV. Camera pans down showing front of the modern house, husband and wife sitting in chairs in the garden. SV. Husband and wife sitting in chairs. SV. Interior of house, husband comes down stairs and switches on the heating and reaches up to the thermostat. CU. He regulates the thermostat. SV. He then walks across to regulate the heater. CU. Husband turning control knob on the heater. SV. The husband sitting at desk, writing in the study. As husband walks around, modern furniture and newest gadgets are seen gramophone, radio, etc. Camera pans across to show the wife watering plants in the patio which is divided from the study by glass panelling. SV. The wife walks in to the main bedroom and starts to make the bed. SV. Showing the child s bedroom. GV. Camera pans from the child s bedroom to the spare room next to it with a modern bed. GV. The wife in the dining room, she is closing a door in the glass panelling which separates the patio from the dining room. There is a modern mural of