Cosmic Monsters: What Mysteries Lie Behind Galactic Cannibalism , Space Documentary
Did you know that some galaxies grow by feeding on other galaxies At the very beginning, there s the Big Bang, the scientific theory that explains the very first moments of the Universe. 13. 8 billion years ago, this Big Bang resulted in an extremely dense and hot Universe. It was like a gigantic torrid magma composed of elementary particles such as electrons, photons, quarks and a few others. All existing in total disharmony. Then, in the space of a few hundred million years, the cosmos went from a disordered, unstructured state to a richly structured Universe. Research carried out by scientists over the last few decades is helping us to understand the history of the Universe, its current structure and, in particular, the formation of galaxies. This is a fundamental question that conditions the formation of stars and, consequently, of planets and the synthesis of our atoms. Galaxy formation is recognized as an extremely difficult question, since galaxies are considered t