Песнопения Православной Римской Церкви. Domine audivi auditum tuum
Domine audivi auditium tuum et timui: consideravi opera tuo et expavi. In medio duorum animalium innotesceris, dum appropinquaverunt anni cognosceris, dum advenerit tempus ostenderis. In eo dum conturbata fuerit anima mea: in ira misericordiae memor erris. Deus a libano veniet et sanctus de monte umbroso et condenso. Operuit celos maiestas eius et laudes eius plena est terra. O, Lord, I have heard Thy hearing and was afraid; I have considered Thy works and trembled. In the midst of two animals Thou shalt be made known; When the years shall draw nigh Thou shalt be known; When the time shall come Thou shalt be manifested. When my soul shall be in trouble Thou wilt remember mercy even in Thy wrath. God will come from Libanus and the Holy One from The shady and thickly covered mountains. His Majesty covered the heavens: and the earth is full of His praise.