Diy mini bag clasic
, diy, diyminibag, minibag, tastalikurpemula Bahan2 kur abu muda 225 cm x 16 helai tali kur hijau 225 cm x 4 helai tali kur merah 225 cm x 4 helai tali . .terdiri dari 12 kepala dan 25 lubang samping . ukuran dompet p x l x t ( 17 cm x 3 cm x 12 cm ) Material2. .. Light gray cord 225 cm x 16 strands of rope. .. green cord 225 cm x 4 strands of rope. .. red rope curls 225 cm x 4 strands of rope . .consists of 12 heads and 25 side holes . wallet size length x width x height (17 cm x 3 cm x 12 cm) info order 085735731691 (WA)