People In Camera Beware Other Items Share This Title (1946)
Title reads: People in Camera. United States of America (USA). Boxers Joe Louis and Tami Mauriello in training to fight each other. Various C, Us of Joe Louis hitting a punch ball. M, S of Louis sparring with partner in outdoor ring. C, U of sweaty Joe Louis. Various M, S of Mauriello jogging along road with 2 other men. M, S of Mauriello doing some leg exercises. Various shots of Mauriello sparring with training partner. He wears a gaudy striped jersey. C, U of Mauriello smiling broadly for the camera. Leeds, Yorkshire. Chapel Allerton household service; Jim Lee, an exserviceman and entrepreneur, starts his own household messenger service to relieve housewives of the worry and queuing. C, U of a housewife phoning her order to Lee. C, U of Lee accepting the order over the phone. Lee drives up to a grocers shop in his car, collects a package of groceries, goes back to his car and drives off. C, U of Lee delivering the package of groceries to a housewife at her front door. FILM