CHRISTMAS FREEZE DANCE Just Dance Christmas Dance Freeze, Brain Break ( go Noodle )
Holiday Dance and Freeze by Teacher Mister Alonso will have students using their listening skills as they dance along with the holiday characters and then freeze and do a yoga pose. This is a fun holiday freeze dance brain break that will engage students while they dance along and listen when to freeze and hold their yoga position. This is a holiday copyright free remix and fun freeze game. Get ready to dance like never before When the music STARTS DANCE to the music When the music STOPS you must FREEZE and hold the yoga position This will go great with my other Winter and Christmas themed brain breaks on my channel Exercise videos for for an alternative to Go Noodle Do your students enjoy Jack Hartmann Whether you are a classroom teacher or a physical education, PE teacher looking for a fun will love this Chase Inspired by Coach Corey and his chase series, PE Bowman and his Level Up games, I hope you enjoy it