Cannabis, Natures Epigenetic Switches, Peptides Healing with Micronutrient Therapy episode 8
How Curative Cannabis Heavenly Hemp Medical Marijuana is effective at preventing and beating cancer Travel with the TTAC team to London and meet a man who was diagnosed as Terminal who used hemp oil to reverse his cancer The way that herbs and foods can actually turn of the cancer switches in your body and turn on the healthy switches (epigenetics) Dr. Burzynski s antineoplaston treatment (visit his clinic in Houston) Meet a man from Nigeria who is alive because of Dr. Burzynski Learn how the FDA is putting a hold on cancer treatments, and children are dying because they have no acces to these treatments. The FDA s reason: the treatments are too risky Visit two doctors in Heerlen, Netherlands and learn about their micronutrient therapy that has successfully treated over cancer patients in Europe Take a trip with the TTAC team to Rosarita, Mexico and learn about Gerson Therapy