Deadliest Journeys, Eastern South Asia, Best of Bangladesh, Nepal, India Bhutan
00:00 Summary 00:45 Bangladesh In the world s most populous country, a sobering proverb resonates: life is considered the most affordable commodity. Right from the opening scenes of the film, the notion of overpopulation takes on a stark and disheartening reality. It is truly difficult to fathom that a man would willingly plunge, nearly unclothed, into the sewagefilled depths of a capital city housing 15 million inhabitants, amidst human waste, all in pursuit of gold. This poignant example illustrates the extreme lengths some individuals are driven to survive in an environment marked by overwhelming population density. 49:59 India Located in the northeastern region of India, Benares stands as the country s most significant holy city. Nestled along the banks of the revered River Ganges, few places in India can match the vibrant, bustling, and deeply spiritual atmosphere that permeates Benares. Here, Hindu traditions come to life as the deceased are cremated, with the belief that this sacre