Тонизированные и тонкие бедра быстро, 10 минут для начинающих, без прыжков (Русские субтитры) You Tube
, TonedThigh, LeanLeg, AthomeWorkout My diet during this week: Low carbohydrate, less sugar, no junk food, no big meal. You can do this single leg workout or this scheduled program: Ep1: This video Ep2: Ep3: SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL (Its free ): FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM Piecesofapril37 Email: The closed captions have been uploaded to all my videos, please turn it on if you need. Disclaimer: 1. There is no spot fat loss means, for example, we can not only lose the fat on legs while keeping the fat on our arms, which doesn t mean the leg workout cannot slim down our legs. Because the leg workout can burn a certain amount of calories, which can lead to burn the fat all over the body