The Beatles Sing Yes it is 1965
Yes It Is is a 1965 Beatles song written by John Lennon (credited to LennonMcCartney) which was first released as the Bside to Ticket to Ride. It features some of the Beatles most complex and dissonant threepart vocal harmonies and showcases George Harrison s early use of volume pedal guitar. In his 1980 interview with Playboy, John Lennon described it as an attempt to rewrite This Boy (the style of the song) that didn t quite Paul McCartney on the other hand described it as a very fine song of John s, and said he was present when Lennon wrote Over the course of a five hour recording session, the Beatles attempted fourteen takes of the basic track before perfecting it, 6 more than any other song they recorded in needed It was recorded on 16 February, the same day that they completed Harrison s I Need After completing the rhythm track, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison br, br,