AT THE GATES Bloodstock 2018 ( Full Set Performance)
SETLIST: 00:04 Der Widerstand 00:45 To Drink From the Night Itself 04:14 Slaughter of the Soul 07:25 At War With Reality 11:11 A Stare Bound in Stone 15:33 Cold 18:52 The Circular Ruins 23:26 El Altar del Dios Desconocido 24:23 Death and the Labyrinth 27:12 Under a Serpent Sun 31:50 The Chasm 35:35 Heroes and Tombs 39:56 Nausea 42:32 Suicide Nation 46:25 The Book of Sand (The Abomination) 50:51 Blinded by Fear 54:32 The Night Eternal