A Bathing Suit That Doesn t Get Wet Headline Science
swimsuits are essential gear for these activities, but if not dried thoroughly, they can develop a gross, musty smell. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces have developed a waterproof and oilproof coating for cotton fabric for recreational water activities. ACS Headline Science shows how easy to clean and buoyant the new material is. In Situ, OnePot Method to Prepare Robust Superamphiphobic Cotton Fabrics for High Buoyancy and Good Antifouling Xiao Gong, (corresponding author) You might also like: Headline Science: ACS Spring 2021 Press Conferences Archived: ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting Expo Press Conferences: Speaking of Chemistry: Produced by the American Chemical Society, the worlds largest scientific society. ACS is a global leader in prov