New Predator Movie Title, Plot Details, and Timeline Revealed by Producers
In a new interview with Collider timed to this week s release of Disney s Jungle Cruise, producers John Davis and John Fox revealed that Dan Trachtenberg s upcoming Predator movie will be titled Skull, will be an origin story about the Predator s first journey to this planet, and it s almost done filming. The film will boast a female hero, which I always think is interesting, said Davis, who revealed what Skull has in common with the first film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. It goes back to what made the original Predator movie work. It s the ingenuity of a human being who won t give up, who s able to observe and interpret, basically being able to beat a stronger, more powerful, wellarmed force, he explained. It actually has more akin to The Revenant than it does any film in the Predator canon. You ll know what I mean once you see it, promised Fox, though Davis declined to reveal the specific time period. You can use your imagination. It Both producers were pumped about the script b