Padmarani Maha Mantra, Mantra Live
MantraLive is happy to present first Maha Mantra performance from the heart of sankirtana movement and birthplace of Lord Gouranga Mayapur Dham Maha Mantra or Hare Krishna Mantra the essence of Bhakti yoga practice was given to us by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Krishna Himself, and walked the Earth around 500 years ago. The Vedas recommend that in the present age the most effective means for achieving selfrealization is to always hear about, glorify, and remember the allgood Supreme Lord, who is known by many names. One of these names is Krishna which means He who is allattractive, another is Rama which means He who is the reservoir of all pleasure, and Hare indicates the Lords inconceivable energy. Padmarani is a singer, producer and kirtaniya who creates music in her home studio in India. Being a resident of one of the holiest places Sri Mayapur, she is passionate about combining the essence of Bhakti tradition and rich sounds of contemporary music. Padmarani is a classically