逆襷と変化技031 寄り添うこと 大東流合気柔術大和会
逆襷と変化技031 寄り添うこと 大東流合気柔術大和会 Gyakudasuki and changed techniques 031 Stick close to an opponent , Daitouryu Aikijujutsu YAMATOKAI 解説 この逆襷では相手に寄り添うことを学んでください 正面打に対してやや引き込むように受け流しその後相手の側面に体を沿わします そうすることで相手は後方へ姿勢を崩します また右手で相手の首を引き締めた後相手を捻り倒すのではなく真下に落とすようにしてください Commentary This KATA Gyakudasuki teaches how to stick close to an opponent. Against his attack Shoumenuchi, you slide the attack to your sideward by pulling back slightly and you move to his bodyside closely. By doing this, his center of gravity moves to his backward and he loses his posture. And more, after you wring his neck, you should drop down him in the vertical without the twist. , 大東流, 大東流合気柔術, daitouryu, aikijiujitsu, 大和会, yamatokai 概要 これ, 12399