Foolish PMA ( Official Video)
This song is taken from our EP Let s Available on Itunes and on our Bandcamp: Join us on Facebook: Released on Tools Records, Beer Records, Boobs Records, 2K10 Records, Squirrel s Kitchen Records Larsen Prod. We would like to thanks all the people involved in this video clip: Car Sugier (Big up to Mimil and Pastra Naze) All our friends (and Sauceille the dog) who are in this video clip and the ones that are not. You know who you are. Directed by Nicolas Demousseau Riot House Production Assitant: Leo Jules Burgeat, Yohan Frouin Edit Post Production: Semeur d Images Anseaulme PS: for your info, we lost half of the shootage, one cam during the This is what we have left.