How to Needle Felt a Sweetheart Peppermint Ornament Free Needle Felting Tutorial, livingfelt
, livingfelt, woolywednesday, needlefelting Shop Sweetheart Peppermint Kit and Supplies Here: Needle felt a sweet peppermint ornament with this free needle felting tutorial Fairy Jordyn is here to share this charming Sweetheart Peppermint ornament, decorated with crisp swirly candy lines and a heart in the center. Once the ornament core is built up and covered with white wool, the peppermint design uses very minimal fiber; We used two colors of the beloved MC1 wool You can follow Jordyns swirled heart design, or try a design of your own This sweetheart peppermint is perfect for beginners They needle felt together quickly, making them a great lastminute gift for the holidays Your finished peppermint can be strung to hang up on the tree, attached to a gift bag, sewn onto a garland, or displayed anywhere you like Get the Kit: