Brave owners saving their dogs from wild animals
People saving their dogs from wild animals Owners saving their dogs from wild animals. Our video today is about people saving their dogs from wild animals. In the first clip a leopard attacked a German shepherd in India. As soon as the leopard grabbed hold of the dog, the dog started to yelp. Luckily the owner of the dog was home that day and he heard his dog yelping and straight away realised something wasn t right. He rushed out of his house to help out his dog and saw a leopard was dragging away his dog. The man started to shout and follow the leopard. As soon as the leopard saw the owner chasing it. The leopard let go off the dog and disappeared into the woods. In the second clip a 60 years old man was walking his dog in Australia, when a Kangaroo started to chase his dog. The man on realising the situation jumped in and pushed the Kangaroo to divert its attention towards him. The kangaroo then started to attack the 60 years old with its full force an