The PROBLEM with Cullen Rutherford
How does a character truly redeem themselves What are the consequences What are the problems with Bioware s storytelling I know, and I m ready to rant about this hyperfixation I ve had for like 10 years. Shout out to DanaDuchy and FluffyNinjaLlama who I used a bit of footage I had problems getting on my own or got corrupted from. Huge fan Twitch Patreon Twitter 00:00 introduction 01:40 Explaining Dragon Age and Circles 12:32 Dragon Age Origins 21:05 Dragon Age 2 36:39 Dragon Age Inquisition 50:38 Conclusion 54:12 Outro , dragonage, dragonage2, dragonageorigins, dragonageinquisition, cullenrutherford, fandom OH YEAH ngl for so long I shipped Cullen as a Romance character with the mage origin, mostly Surana over Amell because I was like 12 and didn t understand toxic dynamics