Why Dont Men Leave Abusive Women
by: Dr. Tara Palmatier, PsyD contact: Facebook: Twitter: DISCLAIMER: I do not endorse any of the products, services, coaches or therapists featured in YouTube generated ads that precede my content. Particularly the ads of other YouTube content creators who are competitors in my field. I will demonetize all my videos that YouTube deems unsuitable from having the bizarre alternative ads YouTube runs instead of mainstream advertisements. If Youtube still runs ads on those videos, please click the Skip Ad option. Thank you. The reasons men and women dont leave abusive relationships have some similarities and some differences. Abused men, like abused women, often stay due to family of origin issues, codependency, trauma bonds, FOG (fear, obligation, guilt), children, money and religion. There are also significant differences why abused men dont leave their abusive partners. In my clinical experience, the seven most common reasons abused men dont leave are. .. READ FULL TEXT ARTICLE HERE: