Tommy Robinson: Chinese Military Recruitment Ad Puts British Army to Shame
If you re serving or have served our forces and want to write an anonymous response to these videos please email my producer at and we will read them out on the show. SUPPORT MY SHOW Keep the Tommy Robinson Show on the air by becoming an official supporter at On a previous episode of The Tommy Robinson Show, I talked about the British Armys new ad campaign. They launched a few campaigns that focused on showing people that its OK to cry in the army, and theres nothing to fear if youre gayas if there was ever any kind of genuine threat against gays from the military anyway. This year, even more adverts from this campaign have been released including ad campaigns focused on showing Muslims that being in the army helps their faith. It even shows members of the military pausing operations, while some bloke takes off his shoes and bows down to pray in the middle of a war zone. There are even adverts that show it s OK to cry in the Army This isnt ri