Barbara Palvins and Dylan Sprouse Wedding, Hungary 2023
Follow me: Hit Susbcribe Dylan Sprouse and Barbara Palvin got married in a Hungarian countryside venue. Model Barbara Sprouse, née Palvin, and actor Dylan Sprouse are married The couple tied the knot this past Saturday, July 15, in her home country of Hungary on her parents property, Harlekin Birtok, which doubles as an event venue. The two plan to celebrate with a larger wedding in California in the fall. This past weekend was supposed to be an intimate event, Barbara says. But we ended up having 115 guests because there are many people we care about, and we wanted them all to be Venue: Harlekin Birtok harlekinbirtok Wedding planner: Anita Palvin anitapalvin Stylist: Marc Eram marceram Hair: Owen Gould owengould Hair: Balázs Barsi barsibali Makeup: Richárd Fazekas ricsesz Makeup: Denise Papp denisebazaar Wedding dress: Vivienne Westwood viviennewestwood W